Winners Never Quit

November 2, 2015

Do you ever hear it when you are doing business with others? The excusers, the blamers, the “It’s just not working for me” folks.  They are quick to tell you why failure is not their fault or the goal was simply not reachable. The very stories they tell share more the truth of the story.  Each of us have to learn to succeed.  Success is not some far away planet that only some individuals get a ticket to travel to, but a way of living that says “I’ll figure it out, I’ll learn this, whatever it takes I’ll get it done.”

One of the secrets to success is identifying the goals.  Once a goal is identified, you can then begin the process of learning what it takes to reach it.  Maybe you realize at the beginning that you’re missing some knowledge before you can even define how to reach the goal. Perhaps you need to understand a process or perhaps learn a system that consistently builds towards your goal.  It helps to choose to be around other individuals who have the mindset of success. Who share their journey, encourage one another and together blaze the paths towards their goals.

Part of the formula for success is mindset.  It’s the decision to focus on the possibilities, to measure the actions not the feelings each day. To celebrate the processes of consistency and to encourage yourself and others. Mindset is perhaps the most important part of whatever goal you’re facing.  If you can manage your emotions, your mindset and your outlook, any obstacle becomes smaller in the process of your passion and desire to overcome it.  Winners know that it takes hard work, learning and repetitive actions to move towards their goals.  Like the athlete, the race is not won on game day or race day, it is won each day they wake up and put on their running shoes, each time they lace up and hit the track with no starting gun  or cheering crowd. Winners know that the daily integrity of doing what it takes to win leads to creating a worthwhile life, not just winning a specific race.  Are you ready to be a winner? To change your environment and maybe your daily community to one where you set the pace, you set the standard for which you are paid? Where when you work well with others and train them to succeed, you are paid well for your effort. Are you ready to create a business where you define where the finish line is, not some standard salary someone else determines and you can’t control?  I’m looking for individuals who are ready to go the distance, who are willing to see visions and set goals to achieve them. Are you ready to win? Let’s start living your future today!

Amy B. Smith

About the Author

Amy B. Smith

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