Use Your Endless Talents, Help More and Become More In the Process
Have you ever met someone who is so talented but they don’t quite see themselves the way you see them? You know that if they could just get a glimmer of how amazing they truly are, everything in their life would be different?
Perhaps you are that someone. Perhaps the feedback you get from others is ‘you’re amazing’ but you don’t quite see yourself that way or feel that way about yourself.
You are talented. You’ve been gifted with talents that are unique to you. There is no one like you on the planet. You were designed for a specific purpose that only you with your talents can fulfill. If you’ve been taking those talents for granted or under-utilizing them, now is the perfect time to make a new choose. It’s time to put those talents to good use in service to others.
Today’s affirmation will inspire you and encourage you to acknowledge and utilize all the talents you’ve been blessed with:
I have endless talents which I utilize every day.
I am blessed with many talents. All talents are gifts that are meant to be used. I enjoy using my talents each day to enhance my life and the lives of others.
I sometimes think I am already aware of all of my talents. However, I notice new abilities from time to time. Anytime I try something new, I am pleasantly surprised to find an undiscovered strength.
Having talent is wonderful, and I am grateful for all that I have been provided. But talents are only valuable if they are used, so I make a real effort to maximize mine. I find new and clever ways to put my abilities to use. I have endless talents which I utilize each day.
I encourage others to do the same. Everyone feels better in the knowledge that they are naturally good at something.
When I find myself wishing I had a specific talent, I realize that I might already possess that talent deep inside. I investigate these wishes fully and frequently discover that I do have those abilities! So now I always assume I have a talent until I have been proven otherwise.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are my greatest talents?
2. Am I utilizing those talents to the best of my ability?
3. What talents would I like to have? Is it possible that I already have them?
Today, I am determined to discover a new ability in myself. I am developing my current talents to the best of my ability. I have endless talents which I utilize every single day.