Supercharge Your Success By Trusting and Listening To Your Intuition

December 28, 2013

“Intuition means exactly what it sounds like, in-tuition! An inner tutor or teaching and learning mechanism that takes us forward daily. It is a resource that, where recognized, has infinite potential.”
― Sylvia Clare

How many decisions did you make in the past 12 months that were based on the things you ‘should’ be doing?

Sometimes it becomes easy to allow external demands to dictate the actions we take.

One of the most powerful shifts you can make is to learn to tune into that internal voice each of us has that often contains the clues to what you really should do. It’s this journey towards learning to trust yourself again that leads to greater fulfillment and real and lasting happiness and wholeness.

Today’s affirmation is designed to help you do just that – learn how to listen to yourself again and drown out the noise around you.

I trust my intuition to guide me.

My intuition is always available to guide me, if I am willing to listen. My inner light is the purest form of my soul. It gently shows me the way.

I have a high level of intuition. My intuition is the manifestation of my wisdom. It is always right. It speaks in a soft voice, but I can hear it if I truly open myself up to it.

Sometimes reason and logic are great tools for making decisions. Other times, intuition is a better tool. When I have all the information I need, yet still feel lost, I look beyond logic and reason.

Today, I listen carefully to the guidance of my internal knowing and intuition. I am making good and wise decisions.

Whenever I am confused about a choice, I acknowledge the messages that my intuition are sending me.

By following those messages, the odds of making a good decision skyrocket.

My intuition exist to serve me. I make full use of the guidance that they provide. I get better and better at using these tools each and every day.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When have I failed to listen to my intuition and subsequently faced great challenge?
  2. Do I sometimes rely too much on logic and reason to make decisions?
  3. Am I ready to listen to my guiding light and intuition?

Having these sources of guidance makes my life easier. By making proactive decisions, I use my time more effectively. The number of mistakes I make is vastly minimized. I supercharge my success by listening to my inner knowing and intuition.

Amy B. Smith

About the Author

Amy B. Smith

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