Investing In Your Future Success May Require Short-Term Sacrifice
Your ability to delay gratification is one of the best indicators of how successful you will be over the long haul. When you develop the discipline to focus on your future goals, your day-to-day decisions and actions will shift and become fuel. This doesn’t mean ignoring the present or foregoing anything that gives you immediate pleasure, but investing in your future success might require short-term sacrifice.
It does mean striking the balance between the short term and the long term and making sure the decisions you make short term don’t hinder your long term success.
Today’s affirmation will help you stay focused beyond any short term sacrifices you may have to make so you can make your goals become your reality:
My eyes are on the future.
Directing my attention towards the time ahead changes the way I think. It becomes easier to resist temptations. I become more motivated to put forth my best effort. I clarify my goals.
At work, I seek opportunities to continue my education and receive training. I take initiative and assume greater responsibility.
My leisure time is devoted to activities that can reward me in the future. I may learn a new language or start a vegetable garden. I read inspiring books. I spend time with my family and friends, solidifying our relationship and making great memories for the years ahead.
Thinking about my financial goals encourages me to save money. I set up college funds for my children and put money aside for my retirement. I stick to my budget and make wise investments.
I examine how my actions affect my health. I know that regular exercise and a nutritious diet protect my heart and make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
I am more successful because I look ahead.
My goals and the steps I need to take are firmly planted in my mind. I am able to track my progress and adjust my strategies when needed.
I am also more resilient. I understand that my circumstances are always changing.
During difficult times, I remind myself of all the good things that are awaiting me.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Why is it worthwhile to exchange short term gains for long term benefits?
2. How can I balance living in the present and planning for my future?
3. What are three lifestyle changes I can make today to enhance my future well-being?
Today, I embrace my future. I am eager to invest in my future and see what happens down the road.