Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Destiny

What and how you think and feel are so important to attaining any level of success. Taking control of how you think and replacing thoughts and feelings of self-doubt and limitation with thoughts and feelings of self-confidence and limitless possibilities is an important step in your journey to success. If you think it, you can achieve it.

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Today’s affirmation is a simple reminder that you and you alone are in control of your emotions and emotions:

I am in full control of my emotions and thoughts.

I have the ability to direct my thoughts in any situation.

I choose to have thoughts that serve me. Negative thoughts create emotions and beliefs that are contrary to my purpose. I am always focused on my purpose. In every situation, I can choose to have a thought that serves me or impedes me. I choose to have thoughts that serve me.

By controlling my thoughts, I can control my reality. Directing my thoughts is easy for me.

In difficult times, I am focused on solutions. Only by thinking about solutions am I likely to find an acceptable one.

In pleasant times, I am focused on the experience. Allowing my mind to wander limits the amount of enjoyment I can experience. I am fully in the moment during pleasant times.

Negative emotions are signs that something needs to be corrected. When I experience a negative emotion, I immediately focus on finding an alternative to that emotion.

This is the only time a negative emotion serves a useful purpose.

It can be challenging to control my thoughts and emotions. When my thoughts stray, I gently bring them back to the present. Life can only be lived and experienced in the moment.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.            When do I find it most challenging to control my thoughts?

2.            When is it easiest to control my thoughts?

3.            How would my life change if I had greater control over my thoughts and emotions?

Today, I keep my thoughts focused on the present. I limit my mind’s tendency to dwell on the past and wonder about the future. I am in full control of my emotions and thoughts.


Amy B. Smith

About the Author

Amy B. Smith

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