Category Archives for Success

The Secret To Creating the Change You Want

February 10, 2014

 As I continue on my new year of new beginnings in my business as well as my life, I often remind myself that the only way I can change my future is for me to change.

“For things to change, you have to change” ~ Jim Rohn.

I am sure most of you have heard the saying ” What is the definition of insanity? It’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results”.   Now I don’t think of myself as insane, but sometimes when I am not happy with my results and I look at what I am doing to move my business forward or deepen my relationship with the people I care about, insanity comes to my mind for just a moment.  Sometimes I do keep doing the same thing and expect different results.  That is when I know I have to get out of my own way to change my results.

I reflect upon my actions, look at what I am doing that isn’t creating the results I want and determine  the changes I need to make.  It might be a small shift in activities, it might be a change in attitude about my potential for success at that moment.   Sometimes it is as simple as realizing what I really love and sharing that.  I find the more passionate I am about my business or my personal relationships, the more successful I am.

Be comfortable in your own skin and don’t be afraid to go for what you want.  We all have an obnoxious roommate in our head, get rid of him/her.  Everyone has failures along their journey.  Remember it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.

Life is an incredible adventure full of challenges. What matters is how we deal with them.  Embrace your failures just like you celebrate your successes.

I wish you a journey full of challenges, growth and successes.  If you succeeded at everything you did, you wouldn’t experience the thrill of achieving what you thought was an impossible task.

Change is Inevitable but Growth is a Choice

February 3, 2014

“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” – Unknown

I was reminded of this quote during two conversations I had this past week; one with a friend and another with a business partner. Both of them have gone through the loss of a parent in the past several months and both are dealing with that life change differently.

In both instances, they began their journey by isolating themselves from their friends, family and those who love them, when they felt overwhelmed by the circumstances. They both are ready to move forward and get back in the game of life. In their own way, each is embracing the change and seeing it as an opportunity to grow and develop personally.

My friend said “I can be angry about the past, or I can choose to forgive. My anger and resentment was only hurting me, no one else was even affected by it. They just went on living their lives, without my attitude impacting them in any way. I choose to no longer isolate myself either. I am ready to get back in the game of life”

My business partner on the other hand didn’t want to burden the people who care about her with the challenges she was facing. She truly thought of her struggles as a burden to others, instead of realizing so many people wanted to be there to help her through her challenges. Starting now, she plans to reach out to people, instead of trying to deal with her struggles by herself.

You see, we have a choice that we can make every time we are faced with a change we weren’t expecting, whether that be a life change such as losing a loved one or a small change like a disappointment or something you had hoped for just didn’t turn out how you intended. How will you choose? Will you choose to grow through adversity and let it wisely direct your next steps?

The choice is yours to make. I wish you growth and wise choices as you continue through your life’s journey.

Success Is Your Destiny If You Make & Work a Plan

“Plan for the future because that’s where you are going to spend the rest of your life.” Mark Twain

Do you have a written plan or a roadmap that spells out where you are headed? Having a clear plan keeps you mindful of how well you are progressing towards your goal. Even in the event of a detour, you will be able to map out an alternative route IF you are living and working from a plan. When you look at others who are successful and happy, they make plans and live life with intention and direction.

Today’s affirmation is designed to encourage you to take the reins, make smart plans for your future and live the life you were designed to live beginning today:

I make smart plans for my future. 

Success Is Your Destiny If You Make & Work a Plan. Here’s how I do it.

I like to live my life according to a plan. It is difficult to end up in a good place by accident. By having plans and goals, I increase the likelihood of having a wonderful life. I want my life to be an example of what is possible.

I choose to avoid living my life by default. I move toward something good, rather than move away from something painful. Just trying to avoid pain means I lack a plan.

I take the necessary time each week to re-evaluate my progress and make adjustments to my plans based on that evaluation. If I keep tweaking my approach, success is mine. Success is my destiny.

At night, I think about everything I did that day to put my plans into action. I ask myself how I can enhance my plan and the actions I am taking each day. I visualize being successful and fall asleep in the knowledge that I am actively bettering my life.

My plans for the future are thoughtful and intelligent. I put a lot of careful consideration into my goals. My goals are perfect for me. My plans are in line with my values and beliefs. I know my life is getting better as I take steps to follow my plans.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.           What are my three most important goals?

2.            What are my plans for achieving those goals?

3.            How much time do I spend each day toward achieving those goals?

 Today, I focus on my plans for the future. My renewed plans are congruent with my values. I am excited about what lies ahead. I make smart plans for my future.