Category Archives for Amy’s Story

There is little more that encourages you more than success

August 27, 2015

What are your dreams made of? What do you think of when you think of your best life? We are often raised to think it’s money, prestige or position. However the best success is creating a life you love and can grow with you.  I began my first business right out of college. It’s not the safe route, it’s not even the recommended route, but its the route that worked for me.  Have you ever known that feeling that life has more to offer? Travel, time on your schedule, the ability to engage with people every day you enjoy working with?

What works for you?

What kind of work do you want to do?

Who do you want to work with?

Why are you waiting to create a life you love?

How do you celebrate living?


I’ve owned successful businesses for over three decades.  What makes this one different? There are many factors that make what I do enjoyable: flexible work schedule,  a solid product line and marketing team behind my efforts, a chance to choose who I work with, a never ending opportunity to be paid more for working effectively.  Really the luxury of knowing that I can choose to be at whatever space I wish to be and at whatever level of income I seek to be with no barriers to my success.

Want to know more? Taking the leap is no different than how I jump with my horse.  You learn, you walk the course to find out what it is, you become familiar with the track patterns that lead to success. Ready to talk it through? Contact me, I’ll share with you how it’s worked for me.


Are You Dismissing Your Potential for Realistic?

It isn’t hard to become focused on a dismissive view of life called “realistic.” Have you succumbed to its charms?  It begins with deciding that you’ll be a person who desires to live a good enough life. There’s thankfulness for what you have and the willingness to work hard for others for the benefit of creating a good income.  It seems the usual doesn’t it?  Sometimes the hours are trying and after a number of years it may seem that you’re less able to do the things you want to do. It’s the way of adulthood you tell yourself, and trodge on putting up with far more than you bargained for in long hours and difficult days.  It’s easy to dismiss opportunities to own your own business, you may have even tried a few. So many times we’re lured into a process that supposedly “sells itself” and it isn’t long before we know whatever was said wasn’t connected to your experience of the truth. There is not a process or product on the face of the earth that sells itself. Only experience that engages an individual to experience benefits, improvement, ease, and repeatability encourages clients and customers to re-engage over and over again.

What is Realistic?

Realistic living is becoming aware of your own dreams and desires again. It’s visualizing what it is that you find meaningful. It’s learning how to create a work environment that encourages you, empowers you and you empower others. Maybe it is travel with your loved ones, maybe it is hours that allow you to be home or doing what you love when you desire to do it.  Maybe its working with people who  get you and you get them and together you share a world of work that you love.  Realistic for me was thinking of a life that allowed horses in my life on a daily basis. A life that rewarded me for my efforts and encouraged me with words, money, and prizes like my Lexus.  You see, owning a business wasn’t new to me, I have successfully launched and maintained four businesses throughout my adulthood. I’ve worked hard and I made an income most would appreciate. However, one day I realized that my “realistic” life wasn’t the one I imagined and I took time to explore possibilities. I saw owners like me choosing a different style of success, one that encourages self care, one that renumerates you at the level YOU determine not some pay scale. one that builds individuals to their own success not just a paycheck I hand out on Friday.  Is it work? Of course it is, but personally I appreciate a business allows me to determine my success level and empowers my coworkers and team members. You see, you can be a consistent, solid person in business and the business you’re in may never fulfill your vision of success, but when you are an independent business that focuses on removing glass ceilings and providing the best products through cutting edge research and continual improvement… well, my friends who shared I needed to be “realistic” about work being work and play it safe in a 8 to 5…let’s just say it’s a great day for a ride….whether we’re talking my Lexus enroute to the barn or my girl in the field. Isn’t it time you changed your definition of “realistic”…for you get to live your future today any day you make the choice to create your best life. Ask me about my journey, I’ll be glad to share what it is about!
