Did the holidays bring leftovers? January came and went but now you’re facing February challenges, holiday giving now is taking from you? One of the reasons I appreciate owning my own business is that I set the levels of income I make. When you are in the business of sharing great products, YOU choose how successful you are. YOU get to decide when you accelerate your income and YOU get to reap the rewards of working harder.
A friend of mine taught school for 13 years. She never received an increase in salary other than the annual increase. She won many awards, created additional support for her fellow teachers, but the additional work only paid her in satisfaction with her effort. Do you know a job like that? Do you HAVE a job like that? When you own your own business, if you work harder, if you complete more actions of your success YOU get paid more.
In our business, when you work smarter, when you share your experience, your income check reflects an appreciation for additional effort engaged. Doesn’t it make sense? Reward your best asset in your business ….YOU!
This February there is a good bit of talk about appreciation, romance, and relationships with Valentine’s coming up. Why not consider your options for how you’re romanced by the work you do? Are you ready to receive increase when you put in the effort? Let’s talk, I know it’s worked for me.
Aren’t the best times those occasions where your friends and/or family share in the adventures? Where people who are on the journey with you and sharing the best of knowing they too, earned their way there? Direct sales careers bring forth a kind of freedom that is hard to let go of. For so many people working a set number of hours for a set amount of pay is simply the only way they know to survive. Freedom of hours, of income, is simply a pipe dream if it is even dreamed of at all. Deemed the “factory age” most adults over the age of twenty-five simply grew up with models on television and in reading of adults who leave for work early and come home at the end of the day, exhausted, and most of the time desiring not to discuss how their day went. Sounds like drudgery doesn’t it? They may like their job, they may even enjoy the day’s work, but there are many times that the work constrains the ability to choose. They may have to dress a certain way. Clock in certain hours, and in general deal with a good bit of mickey mouse kinds of rules and expectations.
What if the scenario changed? What if you were able to share a product that you actually use and enjoy. That has the highest quality of developers who are constantly improving and creating products to support your customers? What if you were able to choose your team, to hand pick individuals you enjoy working with and share common goals? What if you could plan your life around your life, and your work around that plan? What if your work became a source of revenues that increased if you worked smarter and continued as your built your business with workers that you earn bonuses for doing a great job with your training and production?
Interested? I’m driving my success, how many of you have had your employer reward you with the use of a brand new car? Would you like to learn more about the freedom and opportunities my business has offered me? I’m looking for individuals who are ready to own the rewards and the responsibilities of their own success!
How is your new year working out? Have you set some new intentions? Are you learning new skills? Are you satisfied with how January is working out?
Life doesn’t change unless you do.
Empowering isn’t it? We have the opportunity to be in the drivers seat of change in our life. To learn, to grow, to engage differently. What would you like to do this year? What skill would you like to learn? How would you like your daily life to be this year?
Isn’t it important to realize our days are limited? That time is our most valuable asset each day? What would you do if you could do anything today? What would you change about your week’s calendar if you had the opportunity to rewrite it to your desired days?
Owning your own business allows you the freedom to choose how you spend your time. Skills learned creates the ability to earn new freedom. Are you ready? I’d like to talk to you about how to transition to a life where you are in the driver’s seat! Call today!