Is Your Calendar Yours?

September 9, 2015

Amy headshotOne of the things I appreciate about owning my own independent business is that I have the key to my calendar.  Gone are the days that I can’t be off work for something that matters to me. My schedule is planned around my needs, and the needs of my life, not the arbitrary hours of the work day.  Working with others who value time with the people and activities they enjoy also means that respect is back in the workplace.  I know that my work requires time, but I also know that my life requires play time, vacation time, visit time and time for those people in my life that matter to me?  Need to be in another part of the country for ten days? Not a problem, we are not limited to a territory.  Need to work only certain days of the month? Absolutely allowed, because I set the time and days I work.

Having the time to go to the barn without hurrying. Knowing that my life can be planned with the activities and options I enjoy as priority is just one of the reasons I love my role. Being able to take time to fly out to one of my team members or to be present with a friend is such a luxury in a routine employment situation, but it is an every day option as the owner of an indepedent business.

What is on your calendar? What would it look like if money and time to do it wasn’t a roadblock to your future? I’ve owned four successful businesses, I know the path to leading and how to be a strong owner of your own business. Are you ready to call and share your questions about how to begin on your own path to success? Let’s set a time on your calendar today!



Where the Winners Walk

September 3, 2015

Are you excited about earning trips, having the income to do what you dream of doing, and having the time to enjoy them? Is the point of your discontent the unhappiness with the way others do business? Are you tired of  people who won’t do what they are paid to do, choose not to engage where they could earn their way? What about the employees or boss who simply doesn’t care what kind of deal he/she makes they simply want the deal?


One of the most important reasons to own your own business is to be able to choose and live your values, and daily affirm your beliefs and integrity about how life should be lived through living! Owning a business allows you to enact each day your values and to share common values with those you work with. I truly enjoy my business because I get to pick my clients, my team members and the downline of my organization. I have leaders above and beside me every step of the way that value integrity, qualify that value by working with others in ways that affirm their values. I don’t have to worry about “under handed deals” “Poor quality products” or “click bait marketing”, my company stands behind their products and they represent all of us well.

Are you ready to consider the benefits of owning your own business? I’ve owned and developed four successful businesses over several decades, and without fail what has been the very best experience for me personally is the ability to walk in integrity and ethics in each one of the environments I’ve worked. The best experiences have come from setting my own hours, setting my own objectives for success and knowing that they would be reached with integrity, with intentional boundaries set in place to earn well, play well, and to enjoy the people I work with.  Are you ready to find time for your dreams? Are you ready for those dreams to be a consistent part of your every day living and scheduled life? I’d like to share with you what has brought me the use of an earned Lexus, trips to amazing vacations and friendships that are worth so much more than money. Are you ready to learn more? Let’s talk!

There is little more that encourages you more than success

August 27, 2015

What are your dreams made of? What do you think of when you think of your best life? We are often raised to think it’s money, prestige or position. However the best success is creating a life you love and can grow with you.  I began my first business right out of college. It’s not the safe route, it’s not even the recommended route, but its the route that worked for me.  Have you ever known that feeling that life has more to offer? Travel, time on your schedule, the ability to engage with people every day you enjoy working with?

What works for you?

What kind of work do you want to do?

Who do you want to work with?

Why are you waiting to create a life you love?

How do you celebrate living?


I’ve owned successful businesses for over three decades.  What makes this one different? There are many factors that make what I do enjoyable: flexible work schedule,  a solid product line and marketing team behind my efforts, a chance to choose who I work with, a never ending opportunity to be paid more for working effectively.  Really the luxury of knowing that I can choose to be at whatever space I wish to be and at whatever level of income I seek to be with no barriers to my success.

Want to know more? Taking the leap is no different than how I jump with my horse.  You learn, you walk the course to find out what it is, you become familiar with the track patterns that lead to success. Ready to talk it through? Contact me, I’ll share with you how it’s worked for me.


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