Are you limiting your options?

October 26, 2015

Amy headshotAre you limiting your options based on your experience? Each of us make decisions based on the options we are familiar with from our experiences or the experience of others we trust. Makes sense doesn’t it.  We think through what has happened in the past, or from stories we’ve heard that happened to others, and we often replay in our minds what has happened in our own past. However, what we sometimes fail to do is to research and ask questions of others about what options they have experienced, that we could learn from.

It’s hard to imagine changing careers unless you have some idea of what that might look like.

One of the reasons I appreciate the career I’ve chosen is that it allows you to begin it as as a part time option until you’re ready to go full time or you can begin it as full time career but in part time hours.  Could it be encouraging to know that you’ll have the option to work your business part time until you’re comfortable going full time? I don’t know of many opportunities that allow part timers to earn full time income or participate in multiple streams of income opportunities.

Isn’t it time to ask more about what your options for changing careers can be? Explore, educate yourself on what is out there and what that might look like for you.  If you want to know more about what I do and see if this may be a good fit for you and you a good fit for my team, call me and I’ll be glad to share with you the experience I’ve had. No one in my family had the options I now can give to others, isn’t it time to learn all your choices?

Do you have freedom to choose?

Do you take time to think about how you spend your life? We are encouraged to dream, to take time to think about what we would like in our lives. Personally, a few years ago I knew I wanted time.  Time to have horses in my life, time to travel, time to be with my husband and to live a life that included things that were important to me.

Time freedom wasn’t happening in a traditional job.  When you work a traditional job, the time constraints are just that…constraits.  The system of employment is build on eight hour shifts, and fifty week work years. Time off, time to play, time to enjoy the day simply aren’t part of the system.

One of the goals for owning my own business was to have the luxury of time choices. To know that on a pretty day I could take a ride.


Freedom.  Freedom to choose when you work, how you work, from where you work.  That’s one of the dreams I had on my goal formula’s for success.  Isn’t it time you rethink how your work is accomplished? After all, “oh I’d like to just forget about riding and go into work 9 to 5 on this beautiful day” said

When It’s Time to Run Your Race

The race is won from the barn. Long before it’s time to take my horse to a competition, long before we load on a trailer and go to an event, long before we are before the fences.  Success begins in the barns of our daily existence.  Relationships for successful endeavors begin in trust.  Trust that you yourself can learn.  Trust that you can have your needs met. Trust that when you work hard, you’ll be rewarded.  You see my horse knows that I am trustable.  I’ve had over fifty years experience making sure my friends are fed, exercised, taught, rewarded, and can trust me.  You see, when its time to compete, the exercise is simply the dressier public version of what we do consistently.



Are you ready to run your race? To change realms, create a second or third act? Success is not a destination its a series of decisions that involve taking actions.  Just as there is a daily feed time in my barn, there needs to be a daily feed time of your learning and facilitating your dream.  You will become more excited, more informed, and more comfortable with your identified dream as you daily spend time visualizing it, sharing it with your team, saying your next steps out loud.  When we identify and know the steps of our race, we become better able to run it. Do you know what is needed? Do you know what your role is? Do you know why your clients or consumers need your product line or why your opportunity is an amazing one for them?  Just as my horse knows what to expect, what is expected, and that it can depend on me, have you defined for yourself that you can depend on you?  What we tell ourselves about what is new or unfamiliar is important.  Do you allow yourself time to walk the course before you expect yourself to jump in and run? Do you spend time with others who are where you seek to be so that you have a dynamic understanding of the life you are creating? How are you preparing for your daily work at your space? Do you have a space? Do you plan for time to connect to others on the phone or computer? When do you connect to potential team members, customers, or  cohorts?

Is it time to run your race? Are you doing the preparations to know you can cross the next finish line and the next and the next?  My horse knows that long before I ask  for us to ride and jump fences, we’ve so been in the habit of successful practice that event day is a celebration of our usual daily work. Our business begins in the barn with consistent expectations of each other. Our relationship is solid because we each know our roles.  Our success is growing because we understand why we do each action we do with one another and we each have great pleasure in together running our field.  Is it time to build your business in your own barn? Is it time to identify the daily actions that build trust of yourself and trust from others. Is it time to exercise and practice your abilities? Are you ready to walk your course and become familiar with your finish lines so that as you are ready to run your next race you’ll not only be familiar, but you’ll have already rehearsed the win so much that when you do win, it will be as though it was simply another day of practice. The practice of winning in life begins with deciding the events and the experiences that matter to you and living them daily….today!

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