Think and Live from a Place of Abundance

Have you ever found yourself feeling like there isn’t enough to go around? Have you ever felt like if one person gets something there’s less for everyone else? It’s easy to fall into this narrative of lack and scarcity. After all almost daily we hear the stories of the haves and have nots. The truth is we live a world of abundance. There is enough for everyone even if it doesn’t seem that way. When we become abundance-minded and start to make decisions and live from that place, we end up having and achieving more than we ever imagined possible. It starts with challenging any belief you have in lack and limits.

This affirmation is an important one. Spend some time with it and come back to it often. You are what you believe:

I believe in an abundance of great things in my life.

I always have plenty of the wonderful things that life has to offer. There is enough for everyone.

Some people believe that life is limited and competitive. I choose to believe that life is limitless. There is enough love, happiness, fun, and money for everyone. I can have everything I want and there is still enough left for everyone else.

I am happy when others are successful because we can all be successful. I want to see everyone do well and live in abundance. By helping others, I help myself. Competition is a fallacy. We artificially create competition.

When I have a shortage mentality, I remind myself that there is enough for everyone to be completely satisfied.

Believing in abundance makes my life easier and more enjoyable. I receive and experience more when I believe in abundance.

The universe is abundant. Everything that I need already exists in some form. I just need to be open to receiving it. Anything that is lacking is caused by my own resistance. I am open to accepting the abundance that always exists.

My life is only limited by my beliefs. I choose to believe that I can have anything I could ever want. There is always enough. What I can receive and experience is limitless.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.            What am I lacking in life right now?

2.            Why am I resistant to receiving those things?

3.            What can I do to increase my belief in abundance?

Today, I am open to receiving all that the universe has to offer. I help others get the things they need. I believe in an abundance of great things in my life.


Winning in Life is about Competing Against Yourself Not Others

Ever felt pressure to keep up or felt less than because seemingly someone else in a situation very similar to you seems to be accomplishing their goals and getting ahead? Comparing your results to others can be helpful at times. Babies decide they are going to walk because they see others around them walking. Often we get inspired to succeed because we see others around us succeeding and that’s ok. Ultimately what will make you happy, what will lead to your fulfillment, what will push you further down the path than anything else is your ability to base your own happiness on your own accomplishments.

Today’s affirmation is a simple reminder that you don’t need to compare yourself with anyone else. You should base your happiness on what you accomplish:

 I base my happiness on my own accomplishments.        

I avoid comparing myself to others.

Everyone has different strengths and challenges. I choose to base my happiness and sense of self-worth on my own personal achievements. I am focused on my progress in life. This is something that I can control.

I am free of the need to have the approval of others. I feel accomplished when I see progress in my own life’s journey. I find happiness in moving forward toward my goals.

My happiness is untarnished by the accomplishments and opinions of others. I look for progress in my own life, and when I see it, I feel happy. I am happy whenever I am striving to better my life and myself.

I love managing my happiness in this way. I have total control over how much happiness

I experience in my life. I determine the level of happiness I desire.

When I find myself feeling down, I often find that I am unhappy about something that is out of my control. I remember that I can change my feelings of unhappiness quickly and easily. I feel powerful when I manage my own emotions.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What are my current goals?

2. Would I be happy about accomplishing those goals, even if no one else ever knew about my success?

3. How does my life look now compared to three months ago?

Today, I am working toward bigger and better accomplishments. I am happier than I have ever been. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments.


Everything and Everyday Is A Blessing

Are you familiar with this passage from Neale Donald Walsh quote about blessings?

…It sometimes looks like “one thing after the other,” but really, it is Blessing After Blessing.

I know, I know…you don’t experience it that way. But that’s because you don’t see it that way. In this business of life, “What you see is what you get.”

If you think you are looking at struggle, struggle is what you will experience. If you decide that you are looking at a gift (even if you can’t see it clearing in this exact moment), a gift is what you will get. Just wait. You’ll see. I mean that literally. You will see.

Today’s affirmation is an acknowledgement that each day you are surrounded by blessings. You just need to be on the lookout for them:

Blessings surround me every day.

Every moment of every day, I see endless blessings around me. I consider everything associated with life to be something special.

I take the time to learn from each experience and feel fortunate to be able to learn life lessons along the way.

Taking in the cold crisp air at sunrise brings me so much happiness. I feel my lungs expand. That reminds me that I am blessed to be alive. I am blessed to have good health and the chance to feel nature.

I am conscious that everything I am able to do is because I am truly blessed.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.            Do I encourage my friends and family to give thanks for all the blessings in their lives?

2.            Do I make it a point to share my blessings with loved ones?

3.            Am I able to be a blessing to others, especially those in need?

Today, I avoid taking things for granted.

Even the simple things are truly appreciated because I know others may not have access to them. I avoid complaining about the have-nots and celebrate everything I have. Each day, I look forward to the chance to give thanks!


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